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Currently: -1.7, Min: -2.2, Max: -0.8
-1,7°C  rising

 Uncomfortably Cold 

Feels like: -2°C
Inside: 21,9°C
  High Low
Today: -0,8°C (00:00) -2,2°C (04:56)
Yesterday: 1,7°C (12:24) -0,8°C (23:57)
Month: 5,9°C (04-12) -67,8°C (18-12)
Year: 32,2°C (17-07) -67,8°C (18-12)


Rain Today:0,0 mm

Rain Rate/hr:0,0 mm

Yesterday:0,2 mm

This Month:54,8 mm

Season Total:608,4 mm


Wind from NNW

Wind from NNW
3,2 km/h

1 Bft
Light air

6,5 km/h

Gust today:
7,9 km/h at 05:20


Sun:   sunrise  04:04 sunset  22:59

Daylight hh:mm 18:55 ( -1 minute)

Moon:  moonrise  ----- moonset  12:45

Waning Gibbous,  52% Illuminated

Humidity & Barometer

Humidity: steady 98%

Dew Point: steady -1,9°C

Barometer: falling 1015,0 hPa

Trend: Steady

UV Index Forecast more information

UV Index Forecast more information

Last updated: 29-12-2018  07:15 => 07:15  seconds ago 

UV Index Forecast 

The UV Index Forecast is currently not available

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